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Sample Sketch.

Genre Research.

Sample Sketch.

Genre Research.

        In terms of the interview structure, I am hoping to follow the outline of typical stories. I will lead with the background of my friend, into talking about their childhood, particularly the experiences that shaped their lives, then bringing it all together with a conversation about their current identity and how they believe their prior experiences contributed towards what they now believe is their identity. If time permits, I would love to speak about some of the similarities and differences that they have noticed between their experiences and what they know of my experiences, or general similarities and differences of Asian American experiences.

        I will also be recording the interview so I can type it down afterwards. The typed interview will be submitted for my official experiment. Lastly, for the privacy of my friend, I will not be revealing her name or other personal information.

        Here is a list of questions I intend on asking (in this general order) ... Background

  • -  Tell us a little bit about yourself.
    o I will have a rough introduction for my friend, but I want to see how they identify


  • -  Can you tell me about your background? Where are your parents from, where did you

    grow up, what kind of setting did you grow up in?
    o These questions can, and probably will, be fragmented depending on my friend’s


  • -  Who did you grow up around? How would you say you fit in within your peers/friends?


  • -  Were there any challenges (personal or societal) you faced growing up as a Chinese

    American, as a woman, or both?

  • -  What are some of the other challenges you have come across throughout your life?

  • -  What is a challenge that you believe a lot of Asian Americans face while growing up?

    Did you face this challenge too?

o Why do you believe this is a common challenge faced by Asian Americans?

  • -  How would you say that these challenges have shaped the way you think about yourself,

    the way you behave, or just the way you are?

  • -  A lot of anti-Chinese sentiments in America (political aspects) Early Adulthood (Present)

  • -  Coming from NYC to Ann Arbor, what was that shift like? Socially, academically,


  • -  Do you feel like you’ve changed a lot since coming to UMICH? If so, how, and what do

    you think caused those changes? If not, why do you believe yourself to not have really


  • -  How does being Asian American in NYC to being Asian American in Ann Arbor differ?

        Below are two written interviews I recently came across that I intend to follow when writing the interview out.


Interview w/

Eric Nam


Interview w/

Epik High Tablo

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